Trump Beats the Living Hell Out of Fake News CNN!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 2, 2017

President Trump has triggered a hellstorm on Twitter, posting a video clip from one of his old appearances on WWE wrestling where he beat Vince McMahon – but with a CNN logo on McMahon’s face!


The yids are flipping their lids, talking about blah blah blah, not Presidential, blah blah.

Same old nonsense.

They are also taking it to a new kook level, using it to prop-up their narrative that Trump is soliciting violence against the media by reacting to their attacks on him – when in fact it is the Jew media itself that is soliciting violence against Trump. Brian Stelter was on CNN saying that the meme might break Twitter’s ToS – by promoting violence!


CNN issued a statement, which Stelter read, about it being a “sad day!”

This sad day for CNN has been ten days long – beginning with when they had to fire three long-time reporters for making up a story about Russia-Trump collusion after Breitbart called them out, and then James O’Keefe leaked those clips of CNN’s own staff admitting that the Russia story is bullshit and that Trump is “kinda right when he says there’s a witch hunt” against him!

Poor, sad CNN!

I hope Jack somehow thinks that’s real and suspends Trump’s account. He would have to let him back on – and if he didn’t he could just move to the @POTUS account. That would really show what a joke Twitter has become – to ban the President.

The most spectacular tweet comes after last night’s ULTIMATE SATURDAY NIGHT ULTRA-RALLY, where he said exactly everything we wanted to hear, along with an entire week of awesome tweets and killer statements against the enemy.

Trump is out-and-out going directly for the base right now. I think it’s something of an apology for the weird period between 4/6 and the Comey firing, when we all felt so abandoned and the whole thing was so difficult and tiring.