Trump Calls Off ICE Raids Because Nancy Pelosi Told Him To

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 23, 2019

Aw, shucks.

I totally believed that Donald Trump was really going to round up millions of people and deport them this week.

Now I find out that he’s not going to do a thing he said he was going to do, and I am shocked beyond belief.

But I guess it’s understandable, because it was at the request of the Democrats.

If he does things that Democrats want him to do, maybe they’ll help him to do MAGA.

Daily Mail:

President Donald Trump has said that he is delaying planned enforcement actions by Immigration and Customs Enforcement to remove thousands of illegal immigrants who have court orders for deportation.

‘At the request of Democrats, I have delayed the Illegal Immigration Removal Process (Deportation) for two weeks to see if the Democrats and Republicans can get together and work out a solution to the Asylum and Loophole problems at the Southern Border. If not, Deportations start!’ Trump said in a tweet on Saturday afternoon.

Enforcement raids had been scheduled to begin at dawn on Sunday in at least 10 major cities, drawing furious protests from local Democrat officials who vowed to fight the deportations.

Trump had been adamant that the raids would go forward as recently as Saturday morning, and his stunning reversal on the ICE raids comes amid a tumultuous week in which it was revealed that he pulled back on a planned strike against Iran at the last minute after learning the casualty projections.

Yes, “stunning” is certainly the word I would use.

I stand positively stunned that Donald Trump didn’t do a thing he said he was going to do.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Saturday pushed for Trump to halt the deportations, which she called ‘heartless’ and a ‘brutal action which will tear families apart and inject terror into our communities.’

In announcing the delay, Trump gave Congress an ultimatum to fix ‘loopholes’ in the asylum process, likely referring to the patchwork of legal restrictions which allow many Central Americans to cross the border illegally and quickly walk free if they arrive with a child.

Just hours earlier, Trump had been adamant that the enforcement action would move forward – even insisting that it would have a deterrent effect that would help the situation at the border, where illegal crossings have skyrocketed.

‘These are people that came into the country illegally – they’ve been served and gone through a process of the courts. They have to be removed from the country, and they will be removed from the country,’ Trump told reporters on the South Lawn of the White House on Saturday morning while departing for Camp David.

‘Everybody that came into the country illegally will be brought out of the country, very legally,’ he continued.

‘Some cities are going to fight it, but if you notice they’re generally high crime cities. If you look at Chicago… many of those cities are sanctuary cities and they’re high-crime cities,’ Trump said, referring to vows from several Democratic mayors to fight the enforcement action.

Trump said the enforcement action would have ‘a very big effect on the border’ and deter further illegal immigration.

Yes, it certainly would have had a big effect.

If people know they can’t stay, they will stop coming.

Those lousy Democrats.

It’s just so frustrating that Nancy Pelosi is able to keep Trump from doing anything.

I wonder how she is able to stop him from doing things by telling him not to do things?

Is she using hypnosis, or does she have psychic powers?

I guess it could well be both. And I’m sure the deep state is involved. Probably the owner of Comet Ping Pong is in on it. I wouldn’t be surprised if Nancy Pelosi got psychic powers from doing satanic rituals in the basement of Comet.

Lousy, lousy, child-molesting, satanic Democrats.

Oh well.

I’m sure that next time Trump announces he’s going to deport millions of people, he’ll actually do it in real life.

The important thing is that we don’t stop believing and that we hold on to that feeling.