Trump Demands That Oprah Run Against Him in 2020!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 19, 2018

President Trump is the master of the fakeout.

Currently, the stupid kikes believe that everything he does is reverse psychology, so believe that if he says he hopes Oprah runs, he actually is afraid of her running.

He needs to keep up with that. Because we need Oprah running. This will be the best, best, best thing ever.

Fox News:

President Donald Trump went after “very insecure” Oprah Winfrey on Sunday, tweeting that he hopes to see her run for president so “she can be exposed and defeated.”

“Just watched a very insecure Oprah Winfrey, who at one point I knew very well, interview a panel of people on 60 Minutes,” Trump tweeted Sunday night. “The questions were biased and slanted, the facts incorrect. Hope Oprah runs so she can be exposed and defeated just like all of the others!”

Winfrey appeared on CBS’ “60 Minutes” leading a discussion with 14 people from Grand Rapids, Mich. Half of people from the group voted for Trump in the 2016 presidential election, the other half did not. The same group was interviewed on the program last year.

“One year into Donald Trump’s presidency, Americans remain divided, often unwilling to listen to what the other side has to say,” Winfrey said.

Winfrey’s potential run for presidency was the subject of speculations following her speech at the Golden Globes last month. Her longtime boyfriend Stedman Graham said, “It’s up to the people” whether she runs, but added that “she would absolutely do it.”

Winfrey, for her part, denied considering a run in 2020. She recently told CBS’ “60 Minutes Overtime” that God has not yet told her to run for president. “If God actually wanted me to run, wouldn’t God kinda tell me? And I haven’t heard that,” Winfrey said.

Trump said last month that if Winfrey runs, he would beat her. “Yeah, I’ll beat Oprah. Oprah would be a lot of fun,” he said, although adding that “I know her very well. I like Oprah. I don’t think she’s going to run.”

You know, the Democrats might not even have any choice but to run Oprah.

They have found that they cannot run a white candidate. It just isn’t possible.

Black people are the single biggest and most solid part of their constituency, and though the blacks are never going to vote for a Republican, if it is not a black person they are being asked to vote for, they won’t bother to vote at all.

And here’s the thing: Oprah is the third most intelligent black person alive, second only to Barack Obama and that black guy from the Matrix.

And the Matrix black guy isn’t running – he already took the red pill and knows the truth.

So I don’t see as though the Dems have any choice but Oprah.

She has said she wants to kill white people, but I don’t think that matters much.

The remaining whites who vote Democrat want to be killed by some fat black woman anyway.

I Doth Declare a Campaign

You are all getting kicked off of Twitter and I have told you repeatedly that you need to create fake liberal accounts and use them for our purposes. Most of you don’t have the discipline. But you need to find it.

I will feed you agendas to push with these fake liberal accounts.

The first and main agenda you need to push is a demand for Oprah to run for President.

This will be very easy, as things build up.

You can attack anyone who disagrees with you as a racist. Just go through and find anyone who opposes Oprah 2020 and start going insane on them, calling them a racist. We will form an entire brigade, like we had for Trump, only it will be for Oprah, and it will be even more fun because we will be able to use the system’s own memes against it.

You will enjoy this. I promise you.

We will make pro-Oprah memes. We will invent new characters for this campaign, and they will be endorsed by Oprah and the left.

With their constant talk about racism, the left has left themselves wide open for this. If we call anyone against Oprah a racist, what can they even do?

Nothing, friend.

They can do absolutely nothing.

Get your fake liberal Twitter accounts ready. Do it right now. No time for hesitation.

The Democratic nomination belongs to us.