Trump Fires Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Replaces Him with Mike Pompeo

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 13, 2018

I predicted it! You can go back and find it, I predicted thish! I told you and you didn’t listen but I predicted thish! I predicted it!

No but seriously, I did actually predict this a couple days ago. When he pulled out of the Africa event (I’m pretty sure he was there to watch Black Panther with “true Wakandans”).

I didn’t predict that he would be replaced with Mike Pompeo though. That seems like a weird choice.


Rex Tillerson is out as secretary of State, ending a tumultuous tenure as America’s top diplomat that was marked by a series of public disagreements with his boss — President Donald Trump.

Trump plans to appoint CIA Director Mike Pompeo to replace the former Exxon Mobil chief executive. The president picked deputy CIA Director Gina Haspel to run the spy agency.

The Washington Post first reported the news, which the president quickly confirmed in a tweet. Trump thanked Tillerson for his service and said Pompeo will do a “fantastic job.”

This announcement comes just hours after the shitbag Tillerson was rattling on like a crazy person about the Russian poisoning hoax in the UK, which anyone with an eye or two can tell is a false flag staged by some intelligence agency.

NBC News:

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said that the poisoning of an ex-spy and his daughter with a military-grade nerve agent in the U.K. is “a really egregious act” that appears to have “clearly” come from Russia.

Nevertheless, Tillerson said that it was not yet known “whether it came from Russia with the Russian government’s knowledge.”

The comments echoed those made Monday by British Prime Minister Theresa May, who said that it is “highly likely” Russia is responsiblefor the poisoning, either directly or because it lost control of the nerve agent. May gave Russia a midnight deadline to explain how Skripal, who passed secrets to Russian intelligence, and his daughter Yulia were poisoned.

Tillerson also expressed bewilderment that another country would deliberately target people in public, using a dangerous substance in a foreign country.

“It’s almost beyond comprehension that a state, an organized state, would do something like that,” he said while traveling aboard a U.S. airplane during a trip to Africa.

“A non-state actor, I could understand. A state actor — I cannot understand why anyone would take such an action,” he said.

Yeah, good point, buddy. And if something sounds too good to be true (for the people trying to hoax Russia), then it most likely is.

But this guy comes out and says this shit with no evidence.

Trump does these firings after specific incidents.

He fired Comey immediately after he had given a speech to the ADL, and after firing him he immediately met with Russia’s top diplomat, Sergei Lavrov.

So, that’s done.

He sucked. He did nothing but shuffle around and occasionally make offensive Russophobic statements.

I don’t know about Pompeo, he is probably going to be a whole helluva lot worse. As I understand it, he’s a neocon warmonger. But who knows, right? Maybe he’s on board… but probably no.