Trump Set to Get 40% in South Carolina

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 10, 2016



The roof is on fire.


Just let it burn.

Lion of the Blogosphere:

The polls date back to mid-January when Trump had a commanding 36% which is higher than his recent 31% in NH which he beat by 4 percentage points.

With momentum from NH plus his ability to outperform the polls, I expect Trump to capture 40% or more of the vote in South Carolina. Cruz will probably finish in second and Bush in third. I predict third place for Bush because Kasich’s moderate persona won’t play well in South Carolina and he also lacks financing. Rubio’s robotic glitch plus his poor performance in NH will keep him behind Bush. The real battle may be for fourth place. Will Kasich or Rubio win 4th place? It’s too close to call.

They told Trump “sir, your train – you forgot to install brakes on this train.”

And to this, the Glorious Leader answered: “I’ve forgotten nothing.”
