Trump to Senate: You’re Not Leaving Town Until Health Bill Passed

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 19, 2017

So I guess President Trump changed his mind about just letting Obamacare fail. Either that or it was always a fakeout.

Now he’s telling them to just do it. Presumably there is an implied threat – at one point he says to one of the guys, “look – he wants to remain a Senator, okay?” This indicates he might be taking my advice and threatening to endorse opposing candidates in the 2018 midterm elections.

Fox News:

President Trump on Wednesday told Republican senators he doesn’t want Congress to leave Washington for the August recess until lawmakers pass a health care bill.

“Frankly, I don’t think we should leave town unless we have a health insurance plan, unless we can give our people great health care,” Trump said during a lunch with senators at the White House. “Because we’re close. We’re very close.”

Republican senators were invited to lunch with the president on Wednesday in the State Dining Room to discuss the stalled efforts to push through health care legislation in Congress.

The Senate Republicans’ latest bill to repeal and replace ObamaCare collapsed Monday as more Republican senators announced their opposition to the specifics in the replacement. All Democrats were expected to oppose the bill.

In response, Trump initially called on Congress to just repeal the law now and figure out a replacement later, something Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is proceeding with.

But speaking to senators at the lunch, the president suggested he’d still like to see Congress repeal and replace the law simultaneously.

“We can repeal,” Trump said. “But we should repeal and replace. And we shouldn’t leave town until this is complete. Until this bill is on my desk. And until we all go over to the Oval Office. I’ll sign it and we can celebrate for the American people.”

After the meeting, McConnell said “we all agree it’s better to both repeal and replace. But we could have a vote on either.”

He also said the Senate will go ahead with plans to hold a procedural vote to repeal ObamaCare next week that would start debate on the bill.

In a pitch to senators who remain on the fence, McConnell argued “no harm is done” by voting for the procedural motion.

“We cannot keep the commitment we made to the American people to repeal and replace ObamaCare unless we get on the bill,” McConnell said. “So next week, we’ll be voting to get on the bill.”

The Republican leader said he has “every expectation that we’ll be able to get on the bill.”

Trump then went on Twitter to attack these cucks.

Again, I don’t really care what happens with this. I’m tired of hearing about it, reading about it and typing about it.