Trump Transition Team: Lobbyists All Purged, Jeff Sessions Promoted

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 16, 2016


Don’t believe any lying Jews in the media who say Trump is selling us out.

These Jews – they lie, you see.

NBC News:

Vice President-elect Mike Pence has ordered all lobbyists be removed from Donald Trump’s White House transition team, NBC News has learned. This would bring the transition more in line with Trump’s campaign-trail pledge to “drain the swamp” of veteran politicians and special interests in Washington.

That was the explanation given for the firing of at least one top foreign policy official, Matthew Freedman. A campaign official said Freedman was let go because he works as a lobbyist. But if Pence’s directive is fully implemented, it could result in the exit of at least nine current aides, and likely more, according to an organizational chart for the operation obtained by Politico.

Pence’s decision comes as he visits Washington on Wednesday to meet with stakeholders on and off Capitol Hill. He received his first Presidential Daily Briefing, met with the Chamber of Commerce and had lunch with the Bidens. Pence also plans to meet with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi Thursday afternoon after visiting House Republicans.

Meanwhile, Trump himself remains at Trump Tower, spokeswoman Hope Hicks says, huddling with his transition team as they move forward with vetting names to build out his cabinet.

Our second favorite Trump guy (second to Bannon) has been promoted to a more prominent role.


He’s probably getting Def Sec.


Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama is the leading contender for Donald Trump’s secretary of defense, sources close to the transition say — a choice that would reward the president-elect’s most outspoken congressional loyalist but offer few olive branches to a Trump-wary Republican national security establishment.

The two men haven’t seen eye to eye on everything: Sessions is a budget hawk who favors caps on defense spending, while Trump has called for an arms and troops buildup that could cost $55 billion or more per year. But sources say the three-term Alabama Republican senator has still emerged as the top candidate for Pentagon leader, perhaps the most important post in the upcoming Trump Cabinet.

Sessions hasn’t said publicly whether he wants the job, but sources say they expect him to have his pick of Cabinet posts — which also could include attorney general or Homeland Security secretary — and that he’s leaning toward running the Defense Department.

Establishment Republican defense officials may still try to push back against a Sessions nomination as Pentagon chief, sources close to the transition say. The main alternative is Stephen Hadley, one of George W. Bush’s former national security advisers, who unlike many other Bush alums shrewdly refrained from criticizing Trump during the campaign. Other possibilities include Bill Clinton’s hawkish CIA director, Jim Woolsey, who endorsed Trump in September, as well as former Sen. Jim Talent of Missouri and outgoing Sen. Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire.

Some Republican national security figures were quick to express misgivings about Sessions, after days of media speculation that Trump would pick Hadley in an attempt to build relations with mainstream defense Republicans.

This greatly increases the chances that Trump will declare war on Mexico, day 1.