Turkey’s Economy in Collapse, Trump Pours Grease on Fire for Lulz

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
August 10, 2018

I don’t think anyone really likes Erdogan. People can kind of get him. But he looks like a Bond villain and I’m just conditioned to fear and loath people that look like Bond villains. He just needs a little fez on his head to complete the look.

Trump clearly shares my disdain, lol.

Zero Hedge:

Just when you thought Turkey’s moment of agony couldn’t get any worse, it did moments ago when watching the collapse of the Turkish Lira and sensing perhaps that Erdogan’s end is near, President Donald Trump blindsided the NATO member state with a tweet, announcing that he is doubling Turkey’s steel and aluminum tariffs to 50% and 20%, respectively. Why? Because as he said “Our relations with Turkey are not good at this time!”


I love it when Moslems suffer.

Anyways, Erdogan has turned to Allah for help.


The president did nothing to reassure markets with comments overnight that the pressure on the lira was due to what he described as a “variety of campaigns” and appearing to play down the magnitude of the crisis.

“If they have dollars, we have our people, we have our right and we have Allah!” he said.

The plunge in the lira has featured remarkably little on Turkish television channels and newspapers — most of which after recent ownership changes are loyal to the government — with most media focusing instead on recent flooding by the Black Sea.

That’s a pretty cool quote, I must admit.

But allah doesn’t control the intl financial markets. Yahweh or Baal or Saturn or whoever the fuck the Jews pray to does.

You’d have better luck praying to him instead, Erdogan.