TWP Leader Matthew Heimbach Sentenced to 38 Days in Jail Over Domestic Dispute

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 17, 2018

After the unfortunate events earlier this year, when the leader of the Traditionalist Works Party and Nationalist Front was caught up in a sexual triangle involving his mother-in-law, a domestic dispute ensued and he was arrested.

It had been speculated he could do time in prison for beating his father-in-law and wife while on probation, however, he’s presently only being sentenced to a few weeks in jail for a probation violation.


A white nationalist on probation for harassing a protester at a Donald Trump campaign rally in Kentucky in 2016 is going to jail after a domestic abuse incident in Indiana.

Matthew Heimbach, 27, was ordered to serve 38 days in jail for violating the terms of his two-year probation for the Trump rally incident.

Heimbach appeared Tuesday in misdemeanor court in Louisville and was led away in handcuffs.

“I really hope that I do not see you back here in this court,” Jefferson County District Judge Stephanie Burke said.

“Yes, your honor,” Heimbach replied before being led to the county jail.

Heimbach’s probation violation was for an arrest in Paoli, Indiana, in March on battery charges for allegedly assaulting his wife’s stepfather, David Matthew Parrott. A police report said Heimbach choked Parrott twice into unconsciousness. Heimbach was arrested at his home after police heard him arguing and scuffling with his wife, who was inside with him and their two children. Brooke Heimbach told police Heimbach had assaulted her.

Heimbach was on probation for physically harassing an African-American woman who was protesting at a rally in Louisville for then-presidential candidate Trump in March 2016. He had a 90-day jail sentence suspended in that incident as long as he stayed out of trouble and took anger management classes.

Presumably, Heimbach will face separate charges in relation to assaulting Parrott and his wife.

I have no direct contact with any members of the TWP or NF, it is my understanding that the former organization has disbanded and latter is under new leadership.