UK: 14-Year-Old Girl Raped in Greenwich by Black Savage

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
September 18, 2017

The current suspect.

You would think in the nation with the most CCTV cameras in the world, they would at least have some decent quality.

I mean, what is even the point?

Just to intimidate normal people?

The criminals themselves probably know they can’t be identified using these tapes.

Sky News:

Investigators said the teenager was assaulted in a secluded area of Avery Hill Park in Greenwich, southeast London, between 9am and 1pm on Monday 4 September.

A police spokesman said: “The attacker is described as a black male believed to be in his 20s, of slim build, with short black hair and a moustache.

“He was wearing sand-coloured combat trousers, dark shoes which might have been blue, and a grey drawstring bag.

“He was also wearing sunglasses with black, round lenses.”

The victim is being supported by specialist officers and no arrests have been made, according to the police.