UK: Black Who Repeatedly Raped 2-Year-Old Sentenced to a Mere 15 Years

Daily Stormer
March 13, 2015

Jeremy Oketch: No one could have expected he was a criminal.
Jeremy Oketch: No one could have expected he was a criminal.

No talk of deportation, because after all – he’s British!


A “grotesque” paedophile who filmed himself repeatedly raping a two-year-old girl has been jailed for 15 years.

Jeremy Oketc, from the Whalley Range, Manchester, admitted the sick acts at an earlier hearing after police were alerted to a video showing him raping the toddler in a house last year.

The 35-year-old, who worked as a pharmacist, was then arrested and various computers were seized by investigators in a raid on his home and analysed by Greater Manchester Police’s High-Tech Crime Unit.

On the devices, Oketc had footage of him raping the child with two different dates indicated on the files – one in December 2013, and another in July last year.

Today he was sentenced to 15 years in prison and a further eight years on licence at Manchester Crown Court.

He was also ordered to sign the Sex Offender’s Register for life. The toddler – who is now three – has been taken into the care of social services.

Detective Chief Inspector Colin Larkin said: “Having had to watch these videos, they are without doubt some of the most harrowing, sickening images you could ever see.

“Anyone would share our revulsion over these wicked acts being committed upon such a young child.

“The judge said the footage was exceptionally disturbing, horrific, graphic and grotesque and that nobody, not a member of the public, a police officer or a judge should ever have to watch such material. I can only echo those views.”

How can such an act possibly not carry a death sentence? Or at least a life sentence?

And why are there Black people in Britain? What is the purpose? Does the enrichment they provide really make-up for all of the lives they destroy with their demented behavior?

I suppose the child was Black, and this is just normal African behavior. But why should we have this in our society?