UK: Somalian Rapes Teenage White Girl and Claims “You Cannot be a Virgin Because You are White”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 13, 2018

Ahmed Abdoule.

The hajis coming in look at our girls as nothing more than toys to fulfill their urges.

That is the sum of the cultural view of these people.

I personally believe they are teaching this in their mosques, because this rape war is part of the race war.

Daily Mail:

A Somalian man has been jailed after he held a sharp piece of wood against a teenage girl’s throat and raping her, saying that the victim could not be a virgin ‘because you are white’.

Ahmed Abdoule, 33, told his victim ‘my country would love you’ following the brutal attack which has seen him jailed for 11 years.

The victim, who was known to Abdoule prior to the attack, ‘cried and pleaded’ with the savage rapist to let her go during the ordeal, Hull Crown Court heard.

Despite her pleas, Abdoule ‘jabbed a sharp piece of wood into her stomach’ and forced her upstairs. He then began his twisted attack on the teenager, holding the weapon against her throat as he raped her.

Judge Mark Bury told Abdoule: ‘She told you she was a virgin to try and get you to stop.

‘You said to her, “You cannot be, you are white”.