UK: Female Nurse Murdered 8 Babies and Almost Killed 6 More – Poison Seems Likely

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
July 8, 2018

Standard White female in the modern age.

There was a time that I would be shocked by this, appalled even. But this is pretty standard female behavior now, they usually just do it before the kid is actually born though.

The only thing I can feel anymore is a cold desire to solve the issue with women and the Jews who made them like this as brutally and with as much pain as possible in Black Desert Online.


A nurse has been arrested on suspicion of the murder of eight babies and the attempted murder of another six newborns at one NHS hospital.

Lucy Letby, 28, is in custody, with police searching her home and car in connection with the deaths at Countess of Chester Hospital.

Police said they are investigating the deaths of 17 babies and 15 non-fatal collapses between June 2015 and June 2016.

In July 2016, the Countess of Chester Hospital commissioned an independent review of the unit because of concerns about a rise in “unexplained” deaths.

In the same month, the trust also stopped treating the most premature babies, with all those in need of intensive care or high dependency cots sent elsewhere.

But the review, by the Royal College of Paediatricians and Child Health, was unable to explain the deaths, despite the fact consultants noted similarities between the cases.

The report, dated November 2016, highlights a failure to investigate the cases. Although most of the infants underwent a post-mortem, these did not include systemic tests that would have found traces of poisons, or changes in blood sugar levels.

Doing a test for toxins isn’t standard in most places. However, it is always done if there is no other obvious cause of death. Why they would not do one is beyond me, unless they had a pretty good idea what was happening and wanted to sweep it under the rug since having crazy skanks murdering newborns is bad for the feminist narrative.

The same report notes that “mention of installing CCTV on the unit without explanation had unsettled the nursing team further”.

In December, the hospital went further issuing patients and staff with electronic tracking wristbands in a bid to monitor free beds.

An NHS source said Ms Letby was moved into administrative duties in late 2016, saying: “They moved her into admin, they didn’t move her to another nursing position.

“If they did think she was suspicious why didn’t they suspend her?”

The police investigation was opened in May 2017 after the trust said it continued to be concerned about the unexplained deaths.

It was initially looking at the deaths of 15 babies between June 2015 and June 2016, but has now been expanded to examine 17 deaths and 15 non-fatal collapses.

The number of baby deaths under investigation could make it the largest such scandal in NHS history.

This is obviously something which would happen in a society that doesn’t control their skanks. Much like naggers, if you do not keep them subjugated they will inevitably start destroying everything around them and causing social problems. Murdering newborns is just a symptom of advanced feminism. That said, also like naggers becoming obsolete with advancements in crop harvesting technology, we can easily make women obsolete and not have to deal with these issues anymore.

Give me one reason not to send all women to The End in Minecraft and replace them with robot waifus using artificial wombs to reproduce.

I’ll wait.