UK: Gang of Hajis Home Invade, Beat White Woman and Force Her to Open Family Safe

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
November 6, 2017

Sophie Wakefield. Who could have done something like this?

Yeah but what about all the good things these ‘Asian’ migrants do for us?



The Sun:

A WOMAN was dragged by her hair and beaten black and blue by a gang of thugs who barged into her home and robbed her, according to reports.

Sophie Wakefield, 21, shared photos of her shocking injuries as she told of how she was left traumatised by the horrific ordeal, in Cheltenham, Gloucs.

Cops are now hunting the gang after they forced her to open the family safe before making off with family heirlooms and cash of a “very large value”, Gloucestershire Live reports.

Sophie wrote on Facebook: “Just try and put the image in your head of a tiny woman being intimidated and beaten by six males, dragged round her own home in nothing but a thin little set of pyjamas, and then being forced and hit to open up her father’s safe!”

Family friend Emma Austin told Gloucestershire Live Sophie answered the door to a man pretending to be delivering a package.

But the gang barged her to the floor before one man covered his face and ordered her to look away, she said.

The sick yobs then reportedly punched and kicked her over and over while shouting: “Where is it?”

Sophie was then dragged from room to room by her hair before the thugs found the family safe – threatening her and forcing her to open it.

Emma said: “They held the family’s dog Shortie up by his ear and threatened to kill him. The poor little dog was screeching.”

When the safe was open the men “cheering like in a football match”, she added.

The men – believed to be Asian and aged in their mid 20s – then fled the house, she said.