UK: Moslem Who Raped 8-Year-Old Girls Gets a Reduced Sentence Because He Cannot Watch TV in Prison

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
November 2, 2017

Gamal Demian.

There is an easy solution to this guy’s problem that also carries a fitting punishment for his crimes.

Just execute him and he won’t have to worry about being unable to watch TV.

Daily Mail:

Egyptian national Gamal Demian, 51, who is also mute, claims he can not watch television or communicate with other inmates.

He was sentenced to 20 years after raping and sexually assaulting a string of girls as young as eight.

But appeal judges slashed the term to 18 years after hearing that he was struggling with life behind bars.

According to The Sun, his barrister Judith Benson said: ‘His isolation because of his deafness within the prison is increased in comparison to an ordinary prisoner.

‘He is unable to watch TV or partake in any other media of that sort.