UK: People Buying Less Food Because of Skyrocketing Prices

Related: UK: Economy Worse Than First Thought, Headed for Terrible 2023

Yeah that sucks for you, but when you’re starving, just remember: your starvation is going to lead to children in the Donbass getting anal sex training from Jews.

No price is too high – including your worthless life!


The rate of food inflation in the UK has reached its maximum since 1977, with consumers in poorer areas reporting they are buying less food, a survey by the Office for National Statistics published on Thursday shows.

Lower-income households appear to be the hardest hit by spiraling inflation, with 61% of consumers living in the most deprived areas buying less when food shopping compared to last year, as opposed to 44% in the least deprived areas.

Although overall inflation in the UK – including housing costs – slightly decreased from 9.6% in October 2022 to 9.3% in November, food and non-alcoholic drink prices jumped by 16.5% year-on-year last month in the highest increase since September 1977 (17.6%), according to the ONS.

Concerns are mounting that unprecedented food inflation may affect the health of the population. The ONS reported that 23% of people surveyed by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) said they skipped or reduced the size of a meal because they could not afford to buy food.


Who cares???

The only thing I care about in the entire universe is democracy in the Ukraine.

In fact, I think everyone on earth should die, except Zelensky and his minions.

Then, he would finally have peace, and be able to lead his kingdom of tolerant democratic values into a glorious new future.