UK: Subhuman Goes to One of the Whitest Places in the World to Make Children “Gender Free”

Daily Stormer
August 25, 2017

The parents who approved of their children being part of this are no better than pedophiles

This Sudanese-Iranian subhuman decided to do this little (((experiment))) on the Isle of Wight, which is one of the least (((enriched))) parts of Europe.

Do you think that’s a coincidence?

Do you?

The Telegraph:

 There was a telling moment in the second part of No More Boys and Girls: Can Our Kids Go Gender Free? (BBC Two) when Dr Javid Abdelmoneim stood outside the school gates as parents delivered children of Lanesend Primary. None would stop to inspect his array of T-shirts with gender-reinforcing messages.

Why is that thing in Britain? Why?

 Eventually a tiny gathering was corralled together to listen to his message about apparently harmless slogans like “Here Comes Trouble” and “Forever Beautiful”, which have a butterfly effect eventually resulting in phallocratic self-aggrandisement, low female self-esteem and society-wide unequal pay.

“Look at all the big-worded nonsense my hooked sociology professor taught me! Aren’t I smart?”

 The small audience seemed persuaded. Will the bigger audience watching at home make the simple, effective changes he wrought in a small class of ethnically and culturally homogenous children on the Isle of Wight?

Why didn’t they try this is a more “diverse” school?

I’ll tell you why – It’s because only White boys are supposed to believe that cutting their dicks off is normal, and it’s only White girls who are supposed to believe that shaving your head and getting fat and “fighting the patriarchy” is normal.

Non-stop, 24/7 propaganda from the entirety of the System is what is happening in the west, and none of you reading this are doing anything to stop it.

 Not every conclusion that Abdelmoneim came to felt rooted in proofs, and some of his conclusions have an element of hit and hope. But the experiments with the children offered compelling evidence that boys can get a kick out of sewing and girls can conquer geometrical puzzles.

“AHA! If boys like sewing, it should be obvious even to the most toothless of racists that penises are a social construct! Now be good little goyim and hand over those delicious foreskins.” – Some Jew in Current Year.

The one line in the sand was unisex loos.Perhaps some parents need to teach their sons to wash their hands and flush more.

Yeah, that’s the problem…

 Abdelmoneim is a natural communicator in front of the camera and with the children, who were the real stars – and not just in their gender-neutral poem performed at the end-of-term assembly. The boy with the biggest story arc was Riley, who learnt “it’s better to talk than strop”. At the football on the beach, where he was first to propose mixed teams, he wore a T-shirt emblazoned with the words, “We Are the Future”. It would be lovely to hope that first-person plural as gender-inclusive.

He is not the future, he’s a (still potential) victim of a retarded death cult invented by kikes to destroy everybody like you.

The future will be fascist, or it won’t exist.

It was repetitive at times, to ensure the messages got home. But No More Boys and Girls should be compulsory viewing in schools up and down the land. It would also be a great boon to the equality revolution if the bottom could be persuaded to fall out of the market for pink. “I know I can be anything I want to be,” said the previously shy Maisie, whose princess-themed fashions and accessories were bagged up and confiscated. In someone older that would sound like an empty bromide. In one so young it had the gleam of conviction.

I use to joke that Britain might one day surpass Sweden in cuckoldry to become the most cucked country on the planet, but that’s not a joke anymore. That’s reality now, and the Britcucks have to either do something about it, or just get used to being ridiculed until kike-run diversity puts your nation out of it’s misery.

The choice is yours.