UK: Terrorist Leader Paul Golding Finally Taken Down for Good

The dirty bastard Paul Golding, responsible for the Manchester bombing of an Ariana Grande sex orgy, is finally seeing his day behind bars.

The UK doesn’t tolerate people bombing their music concerts.


The leader of the anti-immigrant group Britain First was fined and given a suspended sentence for refusing to unlock his phone and computer to police after returning from a trip to Russia last year, under UK anti-terrorism laws.

Paul Golding, 38, was ordered to pay a £21 ($26) surcharge and £750 ($918) in costs, and given a nine-month “conditional discharge” by Chief Magistrate Emma Arbuthnot at the Westminster Magistrates’ Court in London on Wednesday.

He was charged with “willfully refusing to comply” under Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act. Police testified that Golding had refused their demand to unlock his iPhone and Apple computer when they stopped him at Heathrow Airport on October 23 last year, as he returned from a trip to Moscow. 

Wait wait wait.

This isn’t the Manchester bomber. This guy is white and he’s not even a Moslem.

In fact, he’s a Christian.

Since when has there been such a thing as “Christian terrorism”?

I guess since it became terrorism to not unlock your phone at the airport so the cops could rummage around in it?

What even is this?

It’s just silly and confusing is what it is.