UK: Twelve More Hajis Charged in Rotherham Child Sex Ring Case

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
October 5, 2017


They gave us the number of a million abused little girls.

Well, we sure haven’t seen enough arrests to explain a million abused girls.

Daily Mail:

Amjal Rafiq, 38, has been charged with false imprisonment and indecent assault, while Nabeel Kurshid, 34, and Iqlak Yousaf, 33, each face two allegations of rape and one of indecent assault.

Mohammed Imran Ali Akhtar, 36, Tanweer Ali, 36, Aftab Hussain, 38, and Abid Saddiq, 36, each face a string of accusations including indecent assault and rape.
Sharaz Hussain, 33, is charged with one count of indecent assault and Salah Ahmed El-Hakam, 38, faces one count of rape.
Mohammed Ashen, 33, and Waseem Khaliq, 33, face indecent assault and rape charges, while another man, Masaeud Malik, 33, is charged with one count of indecent assault.

All 12 men will appear at Sheffield Magistrates Court on October 24.

In fact, we’ve seen very, very few arrests, and we know of arrests that aren’t happening even though the girls and the parents and the neighbors have pointed to men involved.