UK White Pride Day 2014

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
April 6, 2014


A great day out was had today at Swansea where about a hundred White nationalists from all over the UK gathered for White Pride Day 2014. Everyone there was very friendly and there were people of all ages attending.

The Reds had bussed agitators in especially to try and heckle us but they failed miserably, chanting their predictably weak slogans about Hitler and ‘the Nazis’ that are supposed to be insults, but in reality are compliments. As usual they showed their contempt for the victims of multiculturalism when we held a minutes silence and one of them even made a pathetic attempt to snatch one of our flags, before he tripped over himself and was escorted away by the Police.

Three excellent speeches were heard, concentrating on the threat that the diversity agenda presents to us and the perversion that is being forced on us by the paedophiles in power. Afterwards we retired to a pub to discuss the important issues of the day and have a laugh with like-minded White folks. Local people seemed confused about the heavy Police presence but supportive of the sentiment behind the rally.

This is the second year that White Pride has been officially celebrated in Britain, which is a huge achievement when you think of all the odds that are stacked against it. Lets see more of you next year!