UKIP and the Clacton-on-Sea Rebellion

Western Spring
September 11, 2014

POLITICS Ukip 131354
Douglas Carswell (right) has defected from the Conservatives to UKIP and has resigned his seat, in the hopes that he will get voted back in again and become UKIP’s first MP.

Five years ago, the British National Party was the great hope of the nationalist movement in this country. Nowadays it is largely an irrelevance. We need to be realistic however. Even if the British National Party still had around fourteen thousand members and over one hundred councillors then it would still only be one notch above an irrelevance.

The plain fact is that the British National Party has always faced too many obstacles to its successful expansion. These include a hostile press, and a tendency for certain elections to be rigged in favour of the evil establishment.

By contrast, UKIP has never, so far as I am aware, been the victim of electoral sabotage, and while they often receive negative press coverage, they do nevertheless fare far better than the BNP in this respect.

We now find ourselves in the curious situation where it seems that it doesn’t matter if press coverage of UKIP is positive or negative. Quite simply, UKIP is on the march.

Until recently, Clacton-on-Sea was an unremarkable town in Essex. It now appears to be the heartland of a growing rebellion by the British electorate. Douglas Carswell, the MP for Clacton, has defected from the Conservatives to UKIP, and has resigned his seat so as to provoke a by-election in which he hopes to be the UKIP candidate.

If recent opinion polls are to be believed, then UKIP will easily win the by-election, thereby giving UKIP its first ever MP to be elected under the UKIP banner. If the national press is to be believed, then other Conservative MPs are also preparing to defect to UKIP. How many MPs will defect remains to be seen, as does the number who can be re-elected under the UKIP banner.

Followers of my blog will know that I am very critical of UKIP, although I think it is fair to say that I pay them a compliment by mentioning them at all. I do not live in the Clacton constituency, and at the present time I do not expect my own MP to defect to UKIP. I cannot see myself ever voting UKIP, but I admit that the rise of UKIP may have some benefits for the nationalist movement.

The next general election could easily result in a hung parliament, but not like the one we have at present. Even with the benefit of the D’Hondt system, the Liberal Democrats narrowly avoided a wipe-out in the recent European Parliament elections. There is a real likelihood that the LibDems could lose all their seats in Westminster at the next general election. Even if they hold onto a few seats, there is a possibility that UKIP could replace them as the third biggest party in the House of Commons.

clacton_beach_pier (1)
Clacton-on-Sea has a lot of retired White people in it, so the plan has a good chance of success.

Imagine a hung parliament in which UKIP MPs hold the balance of power between Labour and the Conservatives. One possible outcome would be either the Labour Party or the Conservative Party forming a minority administration, but minority administrations do not have a favourable history in this country. Imagine you are a government minister in a minority administration. You work hard to draft legislation to put before parliament, but you know that there is a strong likelihood that MPs will either reject it or else demand significant changes.

Few governments would tolerate that uncertainty for long, and so it is likely that a minority administration would seek a pact with another party. A minority Labour government had a pact with Liberal MPs in the period from March 1977 to September 1978 whereby Liberal MPs agreed to support the Labour government in return for certain policy concessions. By contrast, a coalition is a more formal arrangement whereby two or more parties share government.

One possible outcome would be a grand coalition of Labour and the Tories with UKIP in opposition. Nevertheless I am not sure that many Labour or Conservative voters would welcome such an outcome, and I recall that after the last general election there was never any talk of a Labour-Tory coalition.

We should therefore expect a hung parliament to result in either a coalition government involving UKIP or else a minority government bolstered by a pact with UKIP. There is therefore a very real possibility that UKIP could in the next few years force Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union and the Council of Europe.

As a nationalist I want far more than UKIP are offering. I want Britain to halt immigration, and then consider a repatriation programme. Nevertheless I accept that UKIP can remove two very large obstacles to a nationalist victory. It is impossible to end immigration unless Britain first leaves the EU and the Council of Europe.

The people of Clacton will decide who to elect as their MP in the coming by-election. I do not think for one moment that I can influence their decision, and I am not sure I even want to. What I want is for all nationalists to keep their eyes firmly focused on our eventual goal.

However people vote in elections today, we need to work hard to persuade them that nationalism is right for Britain. I urge readers of this site never to buy national newspapers until there is at least one national newspaper which is sympathetic to the cause of the indigenous British people. In case you are wondering, I cannot remember when I last bought a national newspaper, but it must have been years ago.

I also urge readers of this site never to join UKIP or to donate any money to it. Voting for UKIP is one thing, but save your money for the cause of true nationalism.

They both look very genuine, for politicians.