University of Michigan: Graduating Students Wave Palestine Flags and Protest During Ceremony!

Tom Cotton and Josh Hawley are going to call for these students to have their degrees stripped from them for having dared use the platform they had at graduation to protest the genocide.

Personally, I want Cotton and Hawley and the rest of the gang to keep doing exactly what they are doing. I want them to get even more unhinged. That may be difficult, as they are already calling for them to be shot by the military. But this is the greatest ever ad for antisemitism for the right-wing.

For the left-wing, of course, the genocide itself was the greatest ad for antisemitism. But for the right, at some point, they are going to get sick of these government people getting so emotionally deranged over student protests. Our country is being invaded. At least ten million people, maybe many more, have crossed the border since Biden took over. None of these Republicans have had emotional breakdowns over that. No laws have been forced through in a panic to shut down this invasion.

Just even compare it to the George Floyd protests. That faggot Mike Johnson was supporting BLM. The Palestine protesters are not torching cities. They’re not launching attacks on the core of America, attacking our history, our values, our identity as white people. They’re not demanding we kneel before them. They’re simply asking that America stop funding the mass murder of kids. And virtually all Republicans supported it. They went along with the idea that all whites are racists.

Whites weren’t murdering kids.

The more time and resources devoted to this by the Republicans, the more voters are going to start to wonder just what this is all about. If that ends up with them looking at videos of what is actually happening in Gaza, then the jig is up. Some of the Evangelical “Christian” boomers are basically complete psychopaths who think slaughtering children will cause a “rapture” when their satanic version of “Jesus” swoops in from outer space to suck them into space. But they’re an extreme minority. Most Evangelical Christians are just stupid fat people who think this “innocent chosen one Jews will bring Space Jesus” gibberish is just normal Christianity.

The Guardian:

Students demonstrating in solidarity with Gaza waved Palestinian flags and keffiyehs and chanted anti-war slogans during the University of Michigan’s commencement ceremony on Saturday.

Videos on social media showed students donning their graduation gowns as they appeared to chant: “Israel bombs, UMich pays!” and “How many kids have you killed today?” One photo showed a plane appearing to carry a sky banner over the university with the message: “Divest from Israel now! Free Palestine!”

According to the Associated Press, one banner read: “No universities left in Gaza.”

At one point, several graduates appeared to stage a walkout from the ceremony while carrying Palestinian flags and wearing keffiyehs as onlooking students applauded.

The protest, along with numerous other student-led protests across US universities, comes amid Israel’s deadly war on Gaza since Hamas’s October 7 attacks that killed more than 1,100 Israelis. In response, Israeli forces have killed more than 34,000 Palestinians across Gaza while leaving 2 million survivors displaced across the narrow strip amid a famine caused by Israeli restrictions on aid.

Israel has also destroyed every university in Gaza, in addition to killing at least 5,479 students, 261 teachers and 95 university professors, according to the UN, which has condemned Israel’s actions as “scholasticide”.

I think the UN probably made up that word. It’s a hilarious word. And it’s appropriate.

To be clear: it was the graduating students that were protesting inside the ceremony. Others were protesting outside. But no one “crashed” the party, other than the ones involved in the ceremony.

You can turn on Fox News right now and I guarantee Cotton or Hawley or one of the others is saying they should have their diplomas stripped. They are saying that anyone who ever criticizes the Jews over anything – including the single biggest mass murder in history – should have their entire life destroyed.

They’re not saying that about the people who brainwash little kids and turn them into trannies and shoot them with brain-shrinking, cancer causing hormones and then mutilate their genitals. Those people are to be respected, and whatever disagreements are kept civil. No one is making it illegal to be pro-tranny. It’s only illegal to be pro-Palestine.