US Cucks, Allows Assange to Return to Australia

When I heard the news that the US was giving Julian a plea deal, I thought it must be some kind of trap.

But he’s in Australia now.

Evening Standard:

Julian Assange raised his fist to the air after touching down in Australia as a free man.

In emotional scenes in Canberra, Mr Assange embraced his family, including wife Stella, and waved to his supporters.

Supporters cheered as Mr Assange emerged from the plane. The 52-year-old waved at those watching on from the airport fence with shouts of “welcome home”.Among those greeting him was his father John Shipton, who hugged his son before he gave one final wave and entered a nearby building.

Stella Assange said in a news conference on Wednesday: “Today we celebrate Julian’s freedom.

“Julian needs time to recover, to get used to freedom.

“Someone told me yesterday…freedom comes slowly and I want Julian to have that space to rediscover freedom slowly, and quickly.”

She added that Mr Assange will aim to seek a pardon to the charge “when the time comes” and he “remains deeply principled and unafraid”.

Mr Assange’s lawyer Jennifer Robinson said that his release is a “huge win for free speech” and the WikiLeaks team is “absolutely thrilled” he is now home.

Ms Robinson said the first person to call Mr Assange when he touched down in Australia was Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.

“Julian thanked him and then told the prime minister that he had saved his life,” Ms Robinson said in the conference.

She added: “It’s important that journalists understand a dangerous precedent has been set.

“This is a huge win for Australia and Australian democracy, and a huge win for free speech.”

Good for him.

I hope he can put together what is left of his life and find some meaning.

He’s a person who legitimately tried to do the right thing for the sake of doing the right thing.

This isn’t really justice.

Justice would be the people who locked him up for 15 years being punished for doing that to him.

You can read about justice in the Bible.

It involves guilty men being punished, not simply innocent men eventually being freed from captivity.

We don’t have a copy of the plea agreement. I would assume it says he can no longer do journalism.

I would trust the Australian state about as far as I could throw the continent of Australia.