US “Sanctions” Israeli Group for Blocking Aid Convoys Heading to Gaza

These sanctions are, once again, completely pointless.

The Biden Administration is just running around looking for anything it can do to look like it is doing something about Israel without actually doing anything to Israel.

It’s absurd.

The Guardian:

The US state department has imposed sanctions on Tsav 9, “a violent, extremist Israeli group”, for blocking convoys taking humanitarian aid to Gaza, and attacking trucks.

The US said Tsav 9 activists began blockading a key crossing, Kerem Shalom, at the start of the year, and later set trucks on fire and injured drivers and Israel Defense Forces soldiers, as hunger spread inside Gaza.

“For months, individuals from Tzav 9 have repeatedly sought to thwart the delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza, including by blockading roads, sometimes violently,” a spokesperson, Matthew Miller, said in a statement. “They also have damaged aid trucks and dumped life-saving humanitarian aid on to the road.”

Miller detailed an attack in mid-May when Tsav 9 members “looted and then set fire to two trucks near Hebron, in the West Bank, carrying humanitarian aid destined for men, women and children in Gaza”.

Tsav 9 said the sanctions were “shocking”, and “go against any American and liberal values”. The group’s statement repeated unsourced claims that Hamas diverted “much” of the aid transferred to Gaza, and claimed the group represents families of Israeli hostages held by Hamas.

The group’s actions sparked outrage internationally, but inside Israel there is widespread support for their opposition to aid shipments into Gaza.

Earlier this year, several polls found a majority of Israelis believed humanitarian shipments into the strip should be halted or limited.

So what does this actually mean?

Are the Jews going to stop blocking aid trucks?

That’s rhetorical, by the way. This is utterly meaningless. The IDF is cooperating in these aid blockades, and most of them are not done by normal people, but just rando Jew settlers who obviously are not being sanctioned individually, and it wouldn’t mean anything if they were.