Vatican Synod on Amazon Proposes Recognition of “Ecological Sins”

Pomidor Quixote
Daily Stormer
October 10, 2019

Climate Saint Greta may soon become Climate Goddess Greta. The new religion forming around her is showing signs of being in the process of converting the Church itself.


Participants in the Vatican synod on the Amazon region proposed adding “sins against the environment” to lists of traditionally recognized sins in their second day of discussions and deliberations.

Synod fathers called for an “ecological conversion” that would allow people to see “the gravity of sins against the environment as sins against God, against our neighbour, and against future generations,” Vatican News reported Wednesday.

“This would imply a need to produce and spread more widely a theological literature that would include ‘ecological sins’ alongside traditional sins,” the report stated.

The working document of the Amazon Synod frames the entire question of the Church’s renewal in the region in terms of the environment, proposing “New Paths for the Church and for an Integral Ecology.”

In order to be “ever more synodal,” the Church must listen “to the peoples and to the earth by coming into contact with the abundant reality of an Amazon full of life and wisdom but also of contrasts,” the text states.

“The aggression towards this vital zone of Mother Earth and its inhabitants threatens their subsistence, their culture and their spirituality,” it proclaims. “It also affects the life of all humanity, particularly the poor, the excluded, the marginalized, the persecuted. The present situation calls urgently for an integral ecological conversion.”

Call me old fashioned but all that talk about the “wisdom” of the Amazon, “Mother Earth” and ecological “conversion” sounds like heresyspeech to me.

This heretic rhetoric should come as no surprise considering what we know about the “Pope” and the modern church.

Nevertheless, it’s interesting to see how open they are about it.

What does “Mother Earth” even mean?

Who is this “Mother Earth” they talk about?

Who or what is this church worshiping?

When did the subversion start?

The church of today is not the church of the past. There is no pope.

The likes of Francis have taken over and corrupted the whole institution — just like it happened to our governments, schools, universities and media.

Heresy will be punished.