Vaxx Numbers are Plummeting, Threatening Vaxxer Joe’s July 4 Doomsday

The criminal usurper Joe Biden, who stole the 2020 election, has been attempting to inject the entire country with deadly “vaccines.”

However, many are not buying it. Many would rather take their chances with the threats the government is making rather than take their chances with the deadly experimental vaccine.

New York Post:

The number of Americans ready to roll up their sleeves and get vaccinated against COVID-19 is plummeting — threatening President Biden’s goal of getting at least 70 percent of adults vaccinated by July 4, according to a report.

The average number of shots doled out per day has dropped below 1 million, significantly down from a peak of 3.4 million daily doses in mid-April — even though everyone over the age of 12 is now eligible, according to an analysis by the Washington Post.

Last week, only 2.4 million adults got their first shot — just over half the 4.2 million adults needed to get one each week to reach Biden’s long-touted July 4 goal.

The slowdown was blamed on the unvaccinated not wanting the shot rather than a lack of demand, with health care workers and volunteers often outnumbering those arriving to get jabbed, the paper said.

Such great news.

These facilities are empty.

Today, I’m proud to be an American.

All the vaxxed will be cursed, as they have made a deal with Satan. Hopefully, they will all soon die, and anti-vaxxers will be the only ones left on earth.

Health officials have already reached the “low-hanging fruit — those people who absolutely want to get vaccinated without you telling them anything,” White House infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci told the paper.

The unvaccinated now need “trusted messengers who go out there and explain to them why it’s critical for themselves, for their family,” Fauci said.

They need to be psychologically manipulated into accepting a fake narrative regarding the deadliness of a virus that has created no new deaths.

That has seen a rise in often outlandish incentives — including those getting shots in West Virginia able to win rifles, as well as multimillion-dollar lotteries in other states, the report noted.

Jeff Zients, the White House coronavirus coordinator, insisted that the administration is “confident that more and more people will get vaccinated, leading up to the Fourth of July.”

“We need to bring the vaccines to where people are and answer the questions that people have,” he said.

Oh vey goyim – vaxx time, goyim.

The issue is not a lack of access. That is just a lie. There are vaxxes everywhere, and it’s free.

The reason the remaining unvaxxed are not getting vaxxed is that they don’t want vaxxed.

Polls suggest about one-third of Americans have no immediate plans to get vaccinated, with many saying their skepticism has intensified over time, the paper noted.

Others believe the shots are no longer needed now that the pandemic has slowed in the US — despite experts warning that widespread immunity is needed to prevent a new wave later this year.

The slowdown is national — with every state down at least two-thirds from its peak — but it is particularly stark across the South and Midwest, the outlet’s detailed analysis showed.

In 12 states, just 15 out of 10,000 people are getting vaccinated, with the rate just 4 out of 10,000 in Alabama, the data shows.


This map shows that most states are not even 50% vaxxed.

This vaxx genocide is going to wipe out the scum from the earth, and it will only be Southerners and Midwesterners – the only real Americans – that are left and capable of breeding.

I was very concerned that they were going to vaxx all of our sluts and then it would be a moot point, because we wouldn’t be able to breed. However, many of our filthy, cock-guzzling Aryan Princesses appear to care more about their own health than the social rewards of getting vaxxed with the rest of the herd.

We’re going to make it after all.