Vice President of Catalonia Just Declared Independence (I Think)

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 25, 2017

I’m personally sick of this particular drama.


It is happenin.

This isn’t the leader of Catalan though. It’s the Vice President (fat beard guy in the picture above).

Daily Mail:

Catalonia’s vice president has today said Spain has given the region’s separatists no option but to proclaim a new republic.

Oriol Junqueras said his party – one of two in the ruling separatist Catalan coalition – is ‘going to work toward building a republic, because we understand that there is a democratic mandate to establish such a republic.’

So, that’s the official declaration then?

I guess?

Seems a little bit coy, but I’m not sure how you can build a republic unless you’re independent.

But Junqueras insisted he was speaking on behalf of his Republican Left party and not for the regional government of President Carles Puigdemont. 

He said the Spanish government ‘is giving us no other option.’

His remarks come amid frantic jockeying in the Catalan government on how to respond to plans by Spanish authorities to fire them and directly manage the region’s affairs.

It comes after a Catalan government spokeswoman said Catalonia’s separatist leader Carles Puigdemont will not appear before the Spanish Senate in Madrid to state his case for independence.

‘He will not go on Thursday or on Friday,’ the spokeswoman explained, after the Senate suggested Puigdemont could appear at the upper house before it gives Madrid the green light to take over Catalonia’s regional powers.

She did not give a reason but another Catalan government source said it was because Spain’s central government ‘has already announced that it will implement Article 155 (of the Spanish constitution) no matter what.’

Yeah, and they also might just decide to arrest him on the spot.

He is, objectively, engaged in sedition.

On Wednesday, Spain’s prime minister said his government’s plans to take control of Catalonia’s key affairs and halt the region’s push for independence are ‘exceptional’.

Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy told Parliament that invoking constitutional authority over Catalonia was the ‘only possible’ way to bring the region back in line with Spanish law, which he said the separatist Catalan government has violated repeatedly.

Rajoy said he hopes the measures planned, which includes removing Catalan government officials and curtailing the regional parliament’s powers, will be brief.

They should end with a regional election he hopes to call soon, but only will be lifted once order is restored in Catalonia, the prime minister.

Spain’s Senate, based in Madrid, is expected to approve the measures on Friday. Catalan President Carles Puigdemont was expected address the Senate to argue against them, but has chosen to stay in Barcelona.

Puigdemont instead plans to attend a session of the Catalan parliament in Barcelona, the region’s capital, beginning Thursday and ending Friday, officials said. They spoke on condition of anonymity in keeping with internal party regulations.

Rajoy has asked the Senate to invoke a section of the Spain Constitution, Article 155, that allows the central government to step in when a region is found to be acting illegally. The action has never been taken before.


So, it looks like an impasse.

This is some kind of dry run, with Junqueras instead of Puigdemont making the declaration. I’m not sure why a dry-run would even be necessary, except for the fact that Puigdemont is a beta male.

The Cats have effectively just declared independence. And Madrid has said they are taking away their right to govern.

We already know Madrid will use force. They already beat the shit out of a bunch of hippies and old people.

The question is: is Barcelona willing to use force?

Are the Cats willing to go full-IRA?

Can the beta male Puigdemont order violent retaliation against Madrid in order to support his quest for freedom?

Bombing Manchester freed the Irish.

Is whatever it is these people are fighting for actually worth going to that level?

It seems like if it was, it would be more intuitive to understand – I’m still not clear on their grievances. Honestly, it looks like the masses of people that live there wrongly view it as a panacea for the general ills of modernity.

No real substance to it, beyond maybe some financial benefits (which likely no one below the upper-middle class would notice).

So: is this man capable of taking lives in order to fight for whatever it is he wants?

I’ll tell you what: that would at least be interesting. For sure.