Vile Kikes Bombing Gaza Again Because Hey Why Not

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 25, 2018

Looks like the dirty terrorist kikes are up to their regular old tricks again!


The Israel Defense Forces have struck a ‘Hamas target’ in the Gaza Strip, in retaliation for a border breach and an infiltration attempt by four Palestinians into Israel, the IDF has said.

According to an IDF statement, the Israeli Air Force targeted a military compound in Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip, after Palestinians armed with Molotov cocktails illegally crossed the separation wall and entered Israel.

“The IDF will continue to thwart all attempts to harm the State of Israel and will respond severely against those who wish to harm Israeli civilians,” the IDF tweeted, adding that “Hamas is held responsible for all aggression coming from the Gaza Strip.”

Earlier the IDF said that the security fence near Kibbutz Kissufim was “damaged” and four Palestinians carrying bottles “filled with flammable material” illegally crossed the border, trying to set fire to an engineering vehicle at around 5 pm local time on Saturday.

The ‘infiltrators’, however, fled back to Gaza when Israeli troops arrived at the scene, Haaretz reports, citing the military.

A video, purportedly showing the Palestinian infiltration, was released by Al-Jazeera. It shows a group of four masked men, cutting through a portion of the security fence, with the help of a fifth. The four men then quickly run up to the construction site next to the security barrier, where engineering equipment was sitting unattended. After a few moments, smoke is seen rising from the area.

Of course they’re trying to get in – it’s their damned land!

فيديو حصري لإضرام نار في حفار إسرائيلي

فيديو حصري يظهر تمكن عدد من الشباب الفلسطيني في #غزة الوصول إلى حفار إسرائيلي وإضرام النار فيه لمشاهدة الفيديو على يوتيوب:

Posted by ‎قناة الجزيرة مباشر – Aljazeera Mubasher Channel‎ on Samstag, 24. März 2018


And they don’t have any poets to poetically whine about it.

So they’ve got no choice but to cut fences and ZERG RUSH THE KIKES!