Virginia Beach: Three Yard Apes Linked to Murder of White Pizza Delivery Woman

Left to right: Antonio Cerroane Britton, Tonagee Franciosa Ravenel and Semiya Mone Davidson.

Pizza delivery is one of the most dangerous jobs in America, and – prepare to be shocked – it’s because of blacks.

These vicious darkies have been known to kill a white driver just to steal some garlic bread and a bottle of Coke.


Three people have been criminally charged for their suspected involvement in the death of Stephanie Brainerd.

30-year-old Stephanie Brainerd of Virginia Beach worked for Chanello’s Pizza and was shot dead in her vehicle while on a delivery run the night of March 14.

The three suspects have been arrested and are listed below with their state charges:

Tonagee Franciosa Ravenel, 19-years-old, charged with robbery, conspiracy to commit robbery, and use of a firearm in the commission of a felony.

Antonio Cerroane Britton, 18-years-old, charged with robbery, conspiracy to commit robbery, and use of a firearm in the commission of a felony.

Semiya Mone Davidson, 20-years-old, charged with robbery, conspiracy to commit robbery, use of a firearm in the commission of a felony, felony eluding, and child endangerment.

The case is still under investigation, as more details come available they will be released.

Women never should have been allowed in this profession.

It’s like sending them to a warzone.

Stephanie Brainerd.