Wakandan Carrying Crack Cocaine and Wearing Body Armor Murdered a White Cop

Daily Stormer
February 15, 2018

Shomari Leghette.

These Wakandan-on-cop shootings are happening more and more often.

They are getting restless, denied their true home. We should let them return.

To Wakanda.

Chicago Tribune:

It was a routine call – the type that the 31-year veteran had undoubtedly handled hundreds of times in his career. But this one would turn tragic in an instant.

Bauer, commander of the Near North District, spotted a man matching the description of the suspect and gave chase across Clark Street, where a confrontation ensued at the top of a dingy stairwell outside the Thompson Center. As bystanders watched, the two tumbled down the stairs. Seconds later, there was a volley of seven gunshots, authorities said.

The details of Bauer’s last moments were revealed Wednesday as police announced charges of first-degree murder and armed violence against Shomari Legghette, a four-time felon who allegedly shot Bauer at point-blank range using a gun with an extended-capacity magazine.

Legghette, 44, has a criminal history stretching back more than two decades, court records show. He picked up new charges while out on bond, on parole and serving probation, making him the kind of repeat offender whom Bauer recently urged authorities to keep off the street.

Legghette, wearing body armor under a black coat with fur trim, had heroin, marijuana and crack cocaine on him in addition to the gun, according to police. More than a decade ago, he was arrested while allegedly in possession of body armor, court records show.

Cmdr. Paul Bauer.