Watch: Brandon Warns Elections May Turn Violent


We’re doing this again, I guess.


New York Post:

President Biden suggested Friday that next month’s election may not be peaceable, as he made his first White House briefing room appearance since taking office — and continued a lame-duck explosion in his press availability after years of shunning interviews and news conferences.

I’m confident it will be free and fair. I don’t know whether it will be peaceful,” the retiring 81-year-old president said during his surprise 15-minute appearance in response to a question from National Public Radio’s Tamara Keith.

“The things that [former President Donald] Trump has said and the things that he said last time out when he didn’t like the outcome of the election were very dangerous,” Biden added.

Have you noticed? I noticed that the vice presidential Republican candidate [Ohio Sen. JD Vance] did not say he’d accept the outcome of the election and hasn’t even accepted the outcome of the last election. So I’m concerned about what they’re going to do.”

Biden’s appearance was so unexpected that many seats in the briefing room were empty and most of the handful of reporters selected to ask questions defaulted to focus on the conflict in the Middle East.

The 2021 event of “violence” after the election was totally staged. It’s been established beyond any reasonable doubt that the January 6 event was provocateured by federal agents.

There’s no reason not to do that again if Democrats “win” the fake election.

Right now, it’s looking like they won’t “win.” Maybe, who knows. There’s no way to analyze it meaningfully, because US elections are fake and “win” or “lose” is an arbitrary decision made by Jews.

Of course, if Republicans win, there will be mass violence, but no one really cares about that. Democrats went to DC to riot and were firebombing cars after Trump won, and prosecution was dropped against all of them; there was no ongoing whining about “worst attack since the Civil War” or any of that sort of thing. So Democrat violence is not relevant to anything, other than to the victims who get attacked or have their cars/buildings firebombed.