We Won: Austrian Court Declares Presidential Election Do-Over!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 1, 2016


We came here to kick ass and remove kebab. And we’re all out of asses.

Are you tired of winning yet?

I hope not.

Because we’re just getting started.


The Austrian Constitutional Court has ruled that the country’s presidential election must be held again. The vote, which took place on May 22, saw far-right candidate Norbert Hofer narrowly lose.

Hofer, who was running for the Freedom Party (FPO), lost an incredibly tight election by just 31,000 votes, with Alexander Van der Bellen, a former economics professor endorsed by the Green Party, claiming victory.

The final count showed that Van der Bellen had 50.3 percent of the vote, compared to Hofer’s 49.7 percent. However, Austria’s highest court says the election needs to be re-run after ruling in favor of the Freedom Party, which alleged gross irregularities had taken place with regard to the absentee vote count.

“The contestation is allowed to go forward. The proceedings of the second ballot of the federal presidential election of May 22, 2016 will be annulled, from the announcement of May 2, 2016 by the Federal election institution; in as far as it contains the decree of a second ballot. To put it simply: this means that the entire second vote will have to be repeated across Austria,” said Gerhard Holzinger, the head of Austria’s Constitutional Court.

The far-right party said the law had been broken in most of the 117 electoral districts, and this included the sorting of absentee ballots before electoral commission officials arrived at the scene. Other alleged irregularities concerned the way the ballots were counted, including the premature processing of postal votes.

In June, the Interior Ministry said it had thrown out 23,000 votes because they were counted or processed before 9 a.m. on the day of the election. A further 2,000 votes were also declared void due to more serious violations, which included some underage teenagers casting ballots.

“Because … of the enormous amount of postal voting ballots it would barely have been possible to provide a result in time starting on the Monday at 9 a.m.,” Innsbruck-Land voting district head Wolfgang Nairz told the court, according to Reuters.

The election is expected to be re-run in September or October this year.

This is not only a win in that we are going to get a re-vote and presumably elect the first far-right leader in a Western country since 1945. It is also a perhaps even bigger win in that the ruling establishment just got caught – for the whole world to see – hoaxing an election in order to overturn the will of the people.

Is this an even bigger win than Brexit?

At the very least, it is a win in the same realm as Brexit.

But all of these wins are a lead-up to the biggest win.

The win which will shake the earth itself and restructure the order of the entire universe.

Donald Trump