Weev’s Printer Troll is the Greatest Troll in History

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 30, 2016


weev: Hero of the people.

It’s official: weev’s printer troll, wherein he remotely sent Daily Stormer flyers to open printers across the planet, is the greatest troll of all time.

Honestly, nothing else even comes close.

It has now exploded in the media.

Literally, it’s everywhere.

More Than 14,000 College Printers in the US Are Open to Hackers | Motherboard The Internet of Things is all fun and games until a racist takes over your printer I Did It! Hate Hacker Claims Printing of Swastika Flyers at Colleges - Breaking News – Forward.com Hacker Attacks 1000s of Printers in Internet of Things 'Experiment' - Fortune Racist troll says he sent white supremacist flyers to public printers at colleges | Ars Technica Selection_999(1165) Selection_999(1164) Selection_999(1163) Selection_999(1162)  Selection_999(1160) Hacker sends anti-Semitic fliers to network printers at Princeton, many other colleges - The Washington Post

National TV coverage is just getting rolling (it’s already been on like 50 local news broadcasts), but it will probably be on most of the prime time shows tonight since the New York Times and Washington Post did stories yesterday.

This is also the most publicity the Daily Stormer has ever gotten in the mainstream.

Weev truly is a hero.

One of the only ones left.


I did an interview last night with the Washington Post. I’ve mostly only been doing them with local student news papers, but I hate the Washington Post so much I had to do this one.

Andrew Anglin, the publisher of Daily Stormer, told the Daily Princetonian on Friday that the fliers came from Auernheimer. Anglin told The Washington Post that Auernheimer — known by the alias “weev” online — “did this monumental deed.” Anglin called the hacker “a true hero” whom he supports in “all his heroic endeavors.”

“It’s the first time anyone has ever done this in history,” Anglin said in a telephone interview. “He invented this.”

Anglin, in praise of the attack, said that one of its most important aspects was “invading the safe spaces that these universities provide for effeminate men and feminists and minorities.” Anglin also criticized the universities, which he said “are institutions created by white people for our progeny,” for advancing “an ideology of minority victimhood.”

Anglin also attacked the nation’s universities for their approach to what he sees as a free speech issue: “There is no threat of violence here and yet they are presenting it as a form of violence that someone has a different opinion.”

I forget if in one of the other articles on this I posted my quote from the Washington Times piece. Anyway, worth posting again.

Andrew Anglin, founder of The Daily Stormer, said Friday he favored what the hacker had done.

“Of course I endorse it. Six million percent, I endorse this glorious action,” he said.

Still can’t believe they printed that bit.

The funniest thing is that they all called the cops!

Sorry, faggots, this is America! And these were open printers!

First Amendment, bitches!


Deal with it, faggots!

And though this is the greatest troll in history, history is far from over.

In this BEST YEAR EVER, the party is just getting started.

I have not yet begun to fight.


Everything was leading up to this.

We have entered the Age of the Shitlord.

It began with Nazi Queen Tay and Nazi Printer Hack 2016.

And it will end with an army of killer Nazi robots.

Hail Victory.