Weimarization of the West: Let’s Kick It Up a Notch!

Eric Striker
Daily Stormer
October 3, 2015

"The Fat Jew"
“The Fat Jew”

Joshua “The Fat Jew” Ostrovsky’s recent modeling contract with fellow Hebrew pathogen Scott Lipps’ “One Management” is Jewish nepotism on steroids. Ostrovsky was the headline on the catwalk of New York City Fashion Week last month, showcasing a brilliant new line of men’s wear consisting of a hoodie and sweatpants combo. Let it all hang out, Goyim!

Recently, the semitically acclaimed “Fat Jew” teamed up with Babe Walker, the author of “White Girl Problems,” to launch a brand of Zinfandel called “White Girl Rose.” The name of the wine is a reference to twitter and literary sensation Babe Walker (@whitegrlproblem), a self-centered shiksa airhead who revels in her vacuousness and white privilege.

Babe Walker
Babe Walker? No, not really.

White Girl Problems” doesn’t include any mention of the tens of thousands of white girls, women, and grandmothers raped by blacks every year in America, though. Oh, and by the way, Babe Walker’s never been seen in public because she isn’t a real person, “she’s” actually an impersonation of a white gentile created by two brothers of the cut: David and Tanner Cohen. Judeo-Feminist outlet Jezebel has no problem with two men impersonating a woman for the purpose of mockery, on the contrary, it’s a hit with them!

Actual photo of "Babe Walker."
Actual photo of “Babe Walker.”

Ostrovsky, a graduate of the $30,000 dollar a year tuition Trevor Day School, who is now a famous supermodel despite being a tasteless fatbody, has used his newfound stardom to attack the “privileges” of white Gentiles.

Tikkun Olam!

Eric Striker (@Pr0tocolsrReal) is an anti-Semitic extremist, and regularly writes for TradYouth.