Welcome to Stormer-Daily.rw! Storm Your Day with Stormer Daily!

We’ve decided to do a bit of rebranding in order to keep up with the times.

We are changing the name of our site from “Daily Stormer” to “Stormer Daily” in order to… keep up with the times.

Our new official domain is at:


If you’re on Tor, please share that with everyone you know so everyone knows it.

This site IS NOT associated with the government of Rwanda in any way.

However, we will be doing some cultural articles about the cultures of Rwanda in order to inform people about those cultures, in honor of our domain name.

I also may do a trip to Rwanda in order to promote their tourism industry. I am currently checking into the quality of their internet.

They have some serious dancing going on in Rwanda, and I think some cross-marketing would be a good idea.