West Virginia: Cops Punished for Doing Nazi Salutes in Group Photo!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 6, 2019

Even the black guy and the women!

Just when I think American cops couldn’t possibly be any more disgusting, they go and do something like this…

And completely redeem themselves!

Charleston Gazette-Mail:

Several West Virginia state employees have been suspended after a photo emerged depicting a training class of roughly 30 correctional officers performing a Nazi salute.

Department of Military Affairs and Public Safety Director Jeff Sandy sent a letter to all employees Wednesday describing the photo as “distasteful, hurtful, disturbing, highly insensitive, and completely inappropriate.”

The photo, on state letterhead, shows almost all of Basic Training Class No. 18 displaying the Nazi salute. Text above the photo reads: “HAIL BYRD!”

Sandy’s letter states that the employees have been suspended and are under investigation, although it does not describe the photo itself.

Brian Abraham, an attorney for Gov. Jim Justice, said Thursday the “Hail Byrd” line refers to the trainees’ instructor.

The Nazi salute was used to hail Adolf Hitler, the Nazi Germany dictator who directed the slaughter of millions of Jews and others during the Holocaust, before and during World War II.


And that reference to the Holocaust is just completely unnecessary, as it doesn’t have anything to do with anything.

Who wrote this Charleston Gazette-Mail article and made the decision to shill the Holohoax in it?


Yeah, okay.


WCHS-TV first reported on Sandy’s letter, although not the content of the photo.

Rabbi Victor Urecki, of B’nai Jacob Synagogue in Charleston and regular figure around the Capitol, saw the photo. He thanked state officials for briefing him and other religious leaders in advance, but expressed concern over what comes next.

“Seeing the photo was deeply shocking and troubling to me and I know it will be devastating to not just members of my community but any person of decency,” he said. “This will create difficult days and hard conversations for our state. While I want to hear more about how it all unfolded, this terrible incident reminds me we have a lot of work to do in educating about the dangers of hate and the evils perpetrated in the past and can happen again.”

DMAPS released the photo Thursday in response to a public records request. It blurred out the employees’ faces, citing employee privacy rights.

The controversy comes amid heightened legal and public scrutiny of DMAPS. Accusations of correctional officers sexually abusing inmates and the covering up of wrongful deaths are trickling through the legal system. The Gazette-Mail also recently spotlighted a practice within the West Virginia State Police, housed under DMAPS, of clearing troopers systematically after internal investigations while taxpayers spend millions settling the lawsuits filed against them.

Justice released a statement Thursday about the photo in question.

“I condemn the photo of Basic Training Class #18 in the strongest possible terms,” Justice said. “I have directed Secretary Jeff Sandy of the Dept. of Military Affairs and Public Safety to continue actively investigating this incident and I have ordered the termination of all those that are found to be involved in this conduct.”

What I want to know is: where were these Virginia Nazi cops when the cops of Virginia ambushed white nationalists at Charlottesville?

It seems unlikely that only the West of Virginia is based.

Well, I have a theory about this.

This is my theory:

After Charlottesville, all of the police of both Virginias were told they needed to “read up” on “far-right extremists.”

So they started reading up, checking out sites like the Daily Stormer, watching YouTube videos by radicals like Tim Pool, Sargon of Akkad and others, and they all had a startling realization: the far-right is right.

It is the Jews.

And these Jews are attempting to destroy the white race through mass immigration, feminism, Oxycontin and race-mixing.

So they went full wignat and started doing Nazi salutes everywhere, including in group photographs that were bound to be posted on the internet by someone at some point.

The bullshittiest thing about this whole story is that the cops in Florida who did that insane shootout this week and killed two civilians for literally zero reasons won’t be punished for what amounts to obvious manslaughter if not outright murder, and yet these guys are going to all be fired or at least kept from ever advancing simply for a joke photograph.

And that speaks to the actual reason why the cops are as bad as they are: it is the people running things that remove anyone who is good and keep anyone who is bad.