What Do!? Record Number of Migrants Flooding the Southern Border!

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
February 10, 2019

I keep hearing that there’s nothing going on along the border. That everything has calmed down. Sometimes, I am reminded that Trump sent the National Guard there.

What am I supposed to make of news like this then?

Washington Post:

U.S. border officials said Friday that they saw an abrupt drop-off in illegal crossings during the holiday season, but the number of Central Americans arriving in family groups has returned to record levels since then.

The lull in unauthorized crossings suggests some Central American migrants — and the smuggling organizations that deliver them to the border — may have taken a break or deferred the journey north until after the holidays.

During the first week of January, when the extended Christmas season was still being celebrated in Mexico and Central America, the number of migrant family members taken into custody by U.S. agents fell to as low as 200 on some days, according to preliminary data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

By the middle of January, the number of family members arriving jumped again, reaching as high as 1,400 per day, and smuggling organizations once more began delivering groups of 300 or more parents and children to remote border crossings in Arizona and New Mexico.

Okay then, since we can no longer rely on the whole Wall thing, we’re going to have to get creative.

So listen up, Gamers!

*Clap* *Clap*

Here’s the new plan.

We make a human fence across the border, not in Minecraft – but in real life.

When the next caravan comes, we line up Americans who care about the southern border along the southern border and we link hands.

I dub it: the Chain of HATE and WHITE SUPREMACY. 

It would look something like this:

Alternatively, we could hunt down and surround individual Mexicans making the run over and White Power Pose (formerly known as T-Posing) them into submission until ICE arrives.

They won’t even need handcuffs at that point.

Their spirit will be broken.