What is this TIME Cover Supposed to Communicate?

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 22, 2018

So this TIME cover.

There is an article with it.

It’s by this guy:

Karl Vick. He doesn’t even have a Wikipedia page.

Article summary: OMG SO SAD THE CHILDRENS.

“Are values” boilerplate.

It’s just filler for the cover.

But what is the cover saying? 

What is the implication of this image?

That it is sad that a poor child would not simply be allowed to come into America and feed off of us.

Well, here’s the thing.

If there were a couple thousand or a few million poor children in the world, then okay. You would have an argument that we could just absorb all of these poor children, to end the sadness that they are poor.

I wouldn’t agree with the argument, but the argument would exist.

But the actual reality is this.

According to the World Bank, there are 385 million children in the world living in “extreme poverty.”

And the ones coming here probably don’t even qualify for that rating. That bitch that got shot at the border a few weeks back had an ACCOUNTING DEGREE and just wanted to make more money.

According to UNICEF, “extreme poverty, measured at $1.90 per person per day, disproportionately affects children – 387 million, or 19.5% of the world’s children live in extreme poverty.”

But let’s just go with that number.

The child on the cover must represent all poor brown children. Because surely, there is no difference between one poor brown child and another. So when they say “you have to let this one crying brown child in,” what they are saying is that you have to allow ALL crying brown children in.

With 325 million people, the United States is already overpopulated.

How can we possibly take in 385 million poor brown children?

It is physically impossible.

And even if we did take in that many poor brown children, and more than double our population, creating massive centers to feed and clothe these poor brown children, within approximately a decade, there would be another 400 or so million brown children born into poverty in the third world.

So would we do another round? Another full amnesty for all the world’s poor brown children?

And of course, by that time the poor brown children we’d taken in in the first round would be producing their own poor brown children, which we’d be feeding along with their parents.

If you haven’t watched the famous gumball presentation of Roy Beck, watch it now. If you’ve watched it before, watch it again. It is always relevant.

It is probably worth adding that all of these people are well-fed.

At this point in time, industrialized food production is so cheap, that virtually nowhere in the world is anyone starving. The only places where people are legitimately starving are places like Somalia and The Sudan, where warlords block food aid coming in from the UN.

We have to go beyond feelings of “it is sad that this child is crying, and we have to ask ourselves: “is this why we exist as a nation?”

Is this why each and every American was born – to serve as a workhorse to feed poor brown people who have failed to create wealth in their own countries?

This is all really baby-tier stuff.

Yes, a crying child is sad. But how much of yourself do you owe that crying child? If we decide that it is the duty of Americans to work overtime and sacrifice the wellbeing of their own children to “improve the lives” of random crying brown children, where does that end?

How many extra hours a day are you willing to work to improve the lives of these crying brown children? How much are you willing to take from your own children to improve the lives of these random brown children?

That is the question that needs to be asked.

Because this is a lot more complicated than “OMG SAD A CHILD CRYING – MEAN MAN TRUMP MADE THIS BROWN CHILD CRY.”

But the Jews pushing that narrative don’t want to discuss numbers or facts.

And honestly, neither do I. Because it doesn’t go anywhere. They will simply come back with emotional blackmail, as a response to any series of facts.

So my response to the TIME cover is simply this: