White At-Risk Teen Raped by Feral Black Brute Who was Also Placed in the Program

Minnesota CBS Local
May 8, 2015

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The White mother says none of the parents were warned that the Black juvenile would be likely to rape any White kids it came across.

The mother of a teenager who says she was sexually assaulted says her daughter’s attack should have been prevented.

Ashanti Lymon is charged with criminal sexual conduct in her case, and in another one. Lymon previously pleaded guilty in a similar case, but was allowed to stay in a program for at-risk teens.

WCCO investigated why parents of kids in the program weren’t warned.

Lymon was charged with rape of a teenage girl last year. He was 18.

He’s also charged with sexually assaulting a 16-year-old girl the same year.

“She is having a really hard time with it,” the girl’s mother said. (WCCO is not identifying the mother to protect her daughter’s identity.)

The criminal complaint states Ashanti Lymon “would grab her breasts, put his hands down her pants.”

When he tried to push himself against her, she was able to get away.

The girl met Lymon at TreeHouse in Bloomington. It’s a faith-based organization that caters to at-risk teens.

And WCCO discovered that’s where Lymon’s criminal history began, as a juvenile in 2013. While a juvenile record is typically protected, Lymon’s information is public because of the severity of the charge.

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The black-as-sin teenage primate Ashanti Lymon has already been charged with raping three youngsters.

Lymon pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a 13-year-old girl “in a van used for transportation for a program called Treehouse in Bloomington.”

WCCO discovered the day after he pleaded guilty in May 2014, he was accused of sexually assaulting the second victim, and later the third.

Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman’s office is prosecuting the pending cases.

“He plead guilty to a sex crime and was supposed to receive out-patient sex offender treatment,” Freeman said. “He didn’t show up, and when we went out to find him to get him to take treatment, we found out there were two subsequent offenses. In each of these situations he’s had access to young people, young girls, and he’s taken advantage of it.”