White Female Judge Made Black Yoof Not Go to Prison – Rehab Idea Failed, Nagger Shot White Father

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
June 26, 2018

Let’s play a game real quick.

I’m thinking of a living thing. This living thing is irrational, acts completely on stone-age instincts, has the intelligence of a child, will destroy society if left to its own devices, and can only survive off of handouts from White men as well as social programs.

Am I thinking of a White woman or a nigger?

Previous article regarding this.

11 Alive:

A robbery victim who was shot and wounded a week ago Sunday, after he attended a wedding in northeast Atlanta, remains in critical condition at Piedmont Hospital.

11Alive is digging to find out why 17-year-old Jayden Myrick, who was arrested and accused of shooting the victim, was out of prison in the first place after pleading guilty to an earlier armed robbery.

We know Fulton County Superior Court Judge Doris Downs in that earlier case ordered Myrick into rehab instead of prison. But did the rehab program she ordered the teen to attend ever do its job?

In a court hearing last August, Judge Downs ordered Myrick to go into Sands’ program – over the prosecutor’s objections, who called Myrick an un-rehabilitated violent gang member and a danger to society.

That’s when Judge Downs ordered the prosecutor to keep quiet and said, “I don’t want anybody else to be held at gunpoint by [Myrick], I want to end it. You’re interested in punishment, I’m interested in rehabilitation and community safety for the future, because he is going to get out and I want him to be a positive influence in the community.”