White Female Teacher Who Pretended to be Black for Years Fired Over OnlyFans Account

Wait, Rachel Dolezal is back?

Didn’t expect that, but I’m glad to hear she’s doing well.

The Guardian:

The Arizona-based educator formerly known as Rachel Dolezal has been ousted from her position in a local school district due to content posted on her OnlyFans account.

Dolezal, who legally changed her name to Nkechi Diallo in 2016, had been teaching at an elementary school in Arizona since August 2023, according to a report from News4 Tucson.

She was fired this week after her OnlyFans account was brought to the district’s attention, as its posts are “contrary to our district’s Use of Social Media by District Employees policy and our staff ethics policy”, said Julie Farbarik, the district’s director of alumni and community relations. The account was linked in Diallo’s public Instagram profile.

Diallo is best known for controversy surrounding her racial identity, identifying as a Black woman for years and even heading the local chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) before her parents publicly revealed she is white in 2015.


We all remember it very well.

It was a fun time.

I’m done asking “who is paying for these OnlyFans accounts?”

It’s apparently beyond human comprehension.