White Man Warns Others After Getting His Jaw Shot Off by Black Thieves

The Denver Channel
January 25, 2015

Jordan Hough was attacked as he got off the bus he had been taking home after work.

An Aurora man who was robbed on an RTD bus and shot over his cell phone, said he hopes someone will come forward with information.

No one would blame Jordan Hough if he didn’t feel up to telling his story with his jaw wired shut, but the 19-year-old said he refuses to live in fear while the guys who shot him walk.

“I know that as long as I get through this, I’ll be stronger than I was before,” said Hough. “And I know if they’re willing to do it once, they’ll definitely do it again.”

Hough was taking the bus home from work at 10 p.m. Friday, texting on his phone near the back door.

When the bus came to a stop at East 30th Avenue and Worchester Street, a man standing by the door grabbed Hough’s cell phone out of his hands and ran.

Hough immediately jumped off the bus to chase him.

“(I did it) because it was a $700 phone that I had paid for in full in one payment,” said Hough. “I need it for work and to be able afford rent and food and everything. It was important.”

The 6-foot-4 inch Hough said he didn’t think about his own safety, until he noticed the second man running behind him and heard the gunshots.

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The suburban simians shot him straight through the jaw, leaving him with his mouth wired shut.

“I always carry a pocket knife on me. So yes, it was really bring a knife to a gun fight,” he said with a small smile.

The first bullet hit Hough in the back, nicking his kidney and lodging in his abdomen.

“With that gunshot wound, it didn’t go all the way through, so they had to do an incision on my stomach to get out the bullet,” he said.

The second bullet went straight through his jaw.

Four days in the hospital and two surgeries later, he is now recovering at home — relieved he wasn’t killed over a cell phone.

“I’ll still take the bus,” he said, “but yes, I think I’ll be more aware of who’s around me and what’s going on.”

Aurora police are now releasing a more detailed description of the two suspects: Two black males in their mid-to late-teens, both between 5 feet 7 inches and 5 feet 9 inches tall, with a medium build.

One had short hair and was wearing a black windbreaker with a hood.

Police said the other had a short afro-style haircut and a jungle camouflaged jacket. He was carrying a black and white camouflaged backpack with distinctive red basketball shoes.

RTD confirms there is video from the bus that has been given to the Aurora Police department, but police have not yet released it to the public.