White Mayor Carjacked by Blacks in the Town Trayvon was Executed

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 27, 2016


Sanford Mayor Jeff Triplett


A couple of good boys who didn’t even do nothing


Fox News:

The mayor of a central Florida city was carjacked while standing outside his home, according to police who said Sunday they were hunting for a third suspect.

The incident unfolded in Sanford. The city made headlines in 2012 after George Zimmerman shot and killed Trayvon Martin at a gated community there.

Mayor Jeff Triplett was outside around 2:15 a.m. Saturday when three men approached, pointed a gun at him and stole his car keys, police said. They told reporters the suspects also stole Triplett’s wallet before driving off in his Mercedes.

Triplett gave a detailed description of the suspects to police and 18-year-old Jermine Jacques Horne and a 17-year-old were arrested a short time later.

The third suspect has not been caught, police said. It was not immediately known if either suspect had a lawyer.

Police eventually found the mayor’s damaged car, Fox 35 reported.

Integration has officially failed.

Every single day, the headlines bear testament to this fact.

Since the days of George Wallace, Black-White relations have not gotten better. They have gotten worse and worse every year. We have given the Blacks more and more and more of our resources, more and more and more special privileges, and yet the more we give, the more they demand.


Our parents should have listened.

We are left with the uncomfortable reality that even if we gave the Blacks everything, and went and lived on the streets, they would still come out and hunt us, just because we are us and they are them.

We need to start seriously considering other options.