White Mother Tells of Savage Attack Where Black Boyfriend Gouged at Her Eyes and Bit Off Her Ear

Daily Mail
April 4, 2014

Emma Hunt was punched in the face and had her ear nearly bitten off by her ex boyfriend. He had threatened to kill her the night before, but she thought he was ‘just letting of steam’.

A young mother has told how she feared for her life during a brutal attack by her ex boyfriend in which he gouged her eyes, repeatedly punched her in the face and almost bit her ear off.

Emma Hunt, 22, had just dropped her three-year-old daughter off at a nursery in Nottingham when Martell Campbell, 24, launched a savage on her in front of horrified parents and children.

The 24-year-old leapt out of bushes and grabbed Miss Hunt in a bear hug in the middle of the road.

He then punched her repeatedly in the face and dragged her on all fours before throwing her down between two parked cars.

He then gouged at her eyes and strangled her before trying to bite through her ear.

Nottingham Crown Court sentenced Campbell to six and a half years in jail for the November 6 assault, after he admitted wounding.

Her ear had to be stapled back together after he bit it off.

Ms Hunt, who was treated at the Queen’s Medical Centre in Nottingham, said: ‘My ear was hanging off, I had a broken nose, my knees were grazed and my face was bruised.

‘I was in hospital all day and they had to sew the top part of my ear back on.

‘I’m glad he’s locked up and can leave me alone. I think he should have been jailed for longer though but didn’t expect he would be.

‘I was worried I was going to die, I can’t really remember much of the attack but my only thoughts were that I wasn’t going to see my daughter again.’

Ms Hunt revealed that Campbell had threatened to kill her the night before, but thought he was merely letting off steam.

She said: ‘He said he was going to come to the school and kill me. I was really shaken up but I didn’t actually think he would attack me. I thought he was sounding off.

‘I was walking back from the school and someone said to me that a big black guy was hiding in the bushes.

She first started dating the Black six years ago, but said he started getting ‘weird’ after the pair had a daughter together.

‘Then I saw him and that is when he pounced on me. He’s a lot bigger and stronger than me, I was just trying to defend myself.’

She first started dating Campbell six years ago but said he started getting ‘weird’ after the pair had a daughter together.

They broke up after four years but Miss Hunt allowed Campbell to continue seeing his child who is now three years old.

But she said Campbell suddenly changed in July last year and started stalking her and rummaging through her bins.

She got a non-molestation order against him in October after Campbell hurled a brick through her window.

The full-time mother said: ‘It was okay at first when we broke up two years ago, he still had our daughter at weekends.

Martell Campbell looking smug about his paltry 6 year sentence.

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