White Supremacist Invasion of Mizzou Incorrectly Reported as Social Media Hoax by Media

Info Stormer
November 12, 2015

[Editor’s Note: The White supremacists have now shut down @stormer9k’s account, silencing him from being able to report on this invasion.]

A great deal of disinformation is being spread among media outlets about the White supremacist army that has invaded the University of Missouri. These reports are falsely claiming that the invasion is part of a social media hoax. Sites like Gawker, Daily Caller, Reason and the Blaze are directly threatening the lives of Black students by telling them that the campus is safe despite the presence of this racist army.

It is believed that this army is being led and organized by Sam Hyde a man who has quickly risen within the ranks of the White supremacist community. Hyde is said to have personally lynched well over one hundred Blacks and next to Ben Garrison the Neo-Nazi militia leading cartoonist is recognized as one of the most hardcore Neo-Nazis in America.

The White supremacists whose numbers are estimated to be in the several thousands are threatening to kill niggers and are demanding a race war to end all race wars. Several Black students have already been lynched. Unlike the poop swastika incident, there are hundreds if not thousands of photos documenting this terrifying and shocking invasion of the campus.

Perhaps the most horrifying part of this are the revelations that racist White police officers are doing nothing to stop the violence taking place.  In fact, there is evidence suggesting a conspiracy between the White supremacists and the police.

Below are just some of the many photos documenting this horrible situation.  Many more photos have been posted thanks to the bravery of the courageous Black University of Missouri student over at the @stormer9k Twitter feed.

White supremacists marching on the University of Missouri campus threatening to kill all niggers.
Black student shown confronting the army of White “racists” was later found dead hanging from a tree.
White supremacists outside of a campus dorm threatening to kill all Blacks in the building.
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White supremacists celebrate the lynching of niggers by burning a cross on the football field last night.
KKK members shown after taking over one of the main campus buildings.
Swastika flag hung in the middle of campus by Neo-Nazi group.

It is absolutely horrible that despite overwhelming evidence there are media outlets who are insisting that this is some type of hoax. Don’t these people care about Black lives? I would even go so far to say that these biased media outlets are conspiring with the White supremacists and aiding their cause by pushing deliberate disinformation and propaganda.

Please be sure to warn all Blacks about this White supremacist invasion. #Mizzou and #PrayForMizzou on Twitter have been particularly useful resources in helping warn the Black community. We must save as many Black lives as possible. America’s future depends on it.