White Woman Fights-Off Black Rapist in ‘Random’ Attack

July 13, 2014

The White woman managed to kick the beast in the groin and was able to escape.

Police said a man sexually assaulted a woman in Friendship Thursday, and they’re hoping his haircut will help lead to an arrest.

Investigators said the incident happened around 4 p.m. on Roup Street.  Investigators said the woman was able to fight off a man who approached her with a knife, sexually assaulted her and threatened her life.

The victim said she lives in the area and was confronted by the man as she returned to her home from a workout.

“I screamed ‘fire,’ thinking somebody would come, but he had a hand over my mouth,” she said.  He told me if I didn’t stop screaming that he would kill me and my animals.”

The woman said she doesn’t know the man but believes he had been watching her because he knew she had pets.

“He pushed me up against a brick wall.  He swung a knife that had two blades in it,” she said.

The woman said she was fought her attacker, and he ran away from the scene.

Daily Stormer e-fit picture of the rapist with his hair hidden.

“I kicked him in the groin as hard as I could.  I ran up the stairs and called 911 immediately,” she said.

Officers called to the area searched for more than an hour and were unable to find the person in question.

Police are calling this a random attack.

“We’re very hopeful that someone, from the descriptions, can say, ‘Oh we saw this man,’ and give us an idea of his movements as he fled the scene,” said Pittsburgh police spokeswoman Sonya Toler.

Police said the man is black, in his 30s, around 6 feet 2 inches tall and weighs between 160 to 170 pounds.

The victim said the man was wearing an orange shirt, dark blue or black windbreaker pants and also had lines and a star design cut into his hair.

Anyone with information should call 911.