White Woman Walking Baby Fights Off Illegal Mexican Rapist

October 9, 2013

On Sunday, police in Englewood, NJ, arrested the man suspected of trying to rape a woman who was jogging with her baby last week in New York City’s Fort Tryon Park.

The suspect, Oscar Ruiz, 35, reportedly ran up behind the victim, grabbed her in a bear hug and dragged her to the ground.


Ruiz threatened the woman with a broken bottle as he tried to rape her, according to police.

However, this victim was no easy mark…

33-year-old Jane Jarman, grabbed a bicycle pump from the stroller and used it to repeatedly strike Ruiz in the head.


With blood streaming down his face, the suspect fled the scene.

The baby stroller was knocked over in the melee, but Jarman’s 8-month-old baby boy was unharmed.

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