Why the Media Blackout Regarding the Slaughter of White South Africans?

CNN iReport
July 9, 2013


The internet is flooded with reports of the murder, rape and torture of White South Africans by Black offenders.

Prof Gregory Stanton, research professor in Genocide Studies & Prevention, school for conflict Analysis and Conflict Resolution at George Mason University in the USA visited South Africa as a guest of the FW de Klerk Foundation in July 2012. Prof Stanton is the President of Genocide Watch and their mission states: “Genocide Watch exists to predict, prevent, stop, and punish genocide and other forms of mass murder. We seek to raise awareness and influence public policy concerning potential and actual genocide. Our purpose is to build an international movement to prevent and stop genocide.”

According to Genocide Convention, Genocide is “the intentional destruction, in whole or in part, of a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such.” They also address political mass murder, ethnic cleansing, and other genocide-like crimes. Genocide Watch has put South Africa on a level 6 of 8.

Charges of Genocide against the South African Government have been laid at the International Criminal Court in The Hague.

The question raised is: Why do we not read or hear any of this information in the mainstream media, in spite of it being so widely available? Perhaps we should look for answers at the door of the company controlling mainstream media in South Africa. There is also a total Media Black Out in the UK and Europe regarding the stark reality of what is truly happening to White South Africans.

The biggest News provider in South Africa is Naspers. According to Wikipedia: “Naspers’ most significant operations are located in South Africa, from where it generates approximately 72.7% of its revenues, but other significant operations located elsewhere in Sub-Saharan Africa, Greece, Cyprus, the Netherlands, the United States, Thailand, Brazil, Poland, Ukraine, Russia, India, Turkey, China and Romania.” “Naspers is a South Africa-based multinational mass media company with principal operations in electronic media (including pay-television, internet and instant-messaging subscriber platforms and the provision of related technologies) and print media (including the publishing, distribution and printing of magazines, newspapers and books, and the provision of private education services).”

We have obviously arrived at the right location to start looking for answers. This might only lead to more questions which Naspers themselves need to answer. The big question posed is: “Why, with all this breakthrough news of Murder and Genocide is nothing said or printed in the mainstream media in South Africa?”

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