William Barr Says He’s Going to Keep Going After Epstein’s Co-Conspirators

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 13, 2019

Okay, Bill.

Then fucking indict Ghislaine Maxwell right now.

What’s the hold-up?

She stands accused by I don’t even know how many girls of being the lead sex trafficker and basically Jeffrey Epstein’s handler.


Attorney General William Barr said Monday that there were “serious irregularities” at the Manhattan federal jail where Jeffrey Epstein, an accused child sex trafficker, apparently killed himself over the weekend.

“We will get to the bottom of what happened,” Barr vowed in blistering opening remarks at a police event in New Orleans, “and there will be accountability.”

Barr, who said in a statement over the weekend that he was “appalled” by Epstein’s death, also fired a warning shot to anyone who may have been involved in the wealthy financier’s alleged crimes.

“Any co-conspirators should not rest easy,” Barr said. “The victims deserve justice and they will get it.”

Barr, keynote speaker at the National Fraternal Order of Police’s biennial conference in New Orleans, said Epstein’s case “was very important to the Department of Justice and to me personally,” as well as to the FBI and the federal prosecutors preparing to take the case to trial.

“Most importantly, this case was important to the victims who had the courage to come forward and deserved the opportunity to confront the accused in the courtroom,” Barr said.

“I was appalled, and indeed the whole department was, and frankly angry, to learn of the MCC’s failure to adequately secure this prisoner,” Barr said.

He continued: “We are now learning of serious irregularities at this facility that are deeply concerning and demand a thorough investigation. The FBI and the Office of Inspector General are doing just that.”

Barr also assured that Epstein’s case, and the cases related to his alleged sex crimes, will continue on “against anyone who was complicit with Epstein.”

And hey, if we’re investigating the fake “suicide,” then release the fucking tapes from the cell. Let’s see the Jew hanging himself, if that is actually what you people are claiming.


This is absolute BULLSHIT.

William Barr’s father, Donald Barr – who was a Jewish converso, by the way, just for anyone keeping track here – actually hired Jeffrey Epstein at the prestigious Dalton School. That was Epstein’s first job, which he got even though he didn’t have a college degree.

Is this not a conflict of interests for the AG? Seriously, what are the statistical chances of this coincidence? 

If Barr doesn’t indict Maxwell, the Jewish daughter of a Mossad agent who was obviously the mastermind behind Epstein’s sex trafficking operation, AND release the tapes of Epstein’s hanging, then he should resign.

The people have rights! These Jews were trafficking young white girls! We have a right to JUSTICE!