Worst Korea’s 2nd Biggest City Enters “Phase of Extinction”

The government is saying to women: “Please, we are begging you, please have sex…!”

Men are saying to women: “Yes, please, we really want to have sex…!”

The entire population of women are saying: “Yeah, no, I don’t really feel like it. Sorry not sorry.”

Feminism is a failed experiment. You cannot allow women to make their own choices, or their choices will lead to the extinction of the race.

Korea Times:

Busan, Korea’s second-largest city, appears to have entered a phase of extinction due to low birthrates and superaging population, becoming the nation’s first metropolitan city to do so, said a research paper published on Friday.

The paper from the Korea Employment Information Service estimated Busan’s ratio of the population aged 65 or older at 23 percent as of March this year, making it the only metropolitan city to become a superaging society.

Best Korea has a higher number of births, despite having around half the population

The southeastern port city’s extinction risk index calculated by dividing the number of female population aged 20 to 39 by the number of population aged 65 or older was 0.490, it noted. An extinction risk index of over 1.5 is classified as a low extinction risk and an index of 1.0 to 1.5 is considered normal. But regions registering an index of 0.2 to 0.5 are considered to be in danger of extinction, while a figure of less than 0.2 is classified as high extinction risk.

The national average extinction index was 0.615 and those of four provinces — South Jeolla (0.349), North Gyeongsang (0.346), Gangwon (0.388) and North Jeolla (0.394) — were below the average.

Literal extinction.

Maybe the gays can help…?

The Science says this can be fixed if you just start giving faggots children